
WeArisma Reports

Unlock the Power of Influence

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Hot topics China: How have online conversations evolved in the wake of COVID-19?

The great debate: Are mega or micro influencers best for your brand?

Hot topics US: How have online conversations evolved in the wake of COVID-19?

Week 12: [Blog] ‘Can Digital Fashion Weeks Drive Social Moments? Lessons from Hanifa and Balmain.’

Week 11: [Blog] ‘Influencers are increasingly becoming the only viable marketing channel’

Week 10: [Blog] ‘8 companies that prospered in the pandemic’

Week 9: [Blog] ‘What will happen to Fast Fashion post COVID-19?’

Week 8:  [Blog] ‘How are influencer engagement rates holding across APAC’

Week 7:  [Blog] ‘A resurgence in paid Influencer content’

Week 6:  [Webinar] ‘Community Building: Can brands be a force for good?’

Week 5: [Webinar] ‘Views from the world: how brands and Influencers can and should communicate’

Week 4: [Info-graphic] ‘What do we talk about during a pandemic (APAC)’

Week 3:  [Info-graphic] ‘What we talk about during a pandemic’

Influencer Marketing

Wearisma’s Influencer Insights: Japan

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