In 2018, Anastasia Beverly Hills led beauty brand mentions in the US, followed by Benefit Cosmetics and Tarte Cosmetics, with their success driven by strategic social media integration, significant investments in influencer experiences, and global influencer marketing campaigns.
Published On: December 12, 2018
It’s nearly the end of the year; a reflective time, where we take stock of everything we’ve accomplished thus far. Here at Wearisma, we’ve utilised intelligent data to provide a complete list of the top brands in Beauty, Fashion and Luxury who have conquered Influencer Marketing in four countries (US, UK, Japan and France) in 2018. In this post, we’ve revealed the most popular Beauty brands in the US. By combining this data with in-depth analysis, we’ve been able to reveal their successful strategies and give insights into the techniques that you should be using in 2019 and beyond!
Anastasia Beverly Hills (ASB) takes the top spot as America’s most mentioned Beauty brand for 2018. ASB is also sits in the top three for most mentioned beauty brand in both France and the UK. The success of the independent cosmetics giant can be attributed to the interweaving of their social media strategy into the fabric of their business model. Their heightened activity on InstaStories for example, which has seen them use includes swipe-ups in 85% of stories is evidence of this. Benefit Cosmetics is another international beauty favourite, taking the 5th and 6th spot in the US and UK respectively; proving that their approximately £10,000,000 investment in getaways for influencers has paid off.
Taking a similar approach is one of the younger brands to enter the top ten – Tarte Cosmetics. Tarte’s success can also be attributed their to their large expenditure on influencer marketing. The results suggest that #trippinwithtarte, which saw them take influencers to luxurious destinations all over the world, delight their followers.
Keep informed with the latest trends, reports, and case studies from the world of influencer marketing.
WeArisma’s 2025 State of Luxury Report has been featured WWD! Amongst the numerous metrics for luxury brands to benchmark against competitors, we highlight Resonance and Virality as crucial, underlooked criteria.
WeArisma’s Beauty 2025 State of Influence Interactive Report – Your Essential Guide to Beauty Brand Success in the Digital Age.
The beauty landscape is evolving. Traditional strategies no longer guarantee success – Resonance, Virality, and Authentic Engagement are beginning to define market leaders.
Our latest Beauty 2025 State of Influence Report uncovers the key shifts shaping Skincare, Makeup, and Fragrance, and the strategies fueling sustained impact.
Influential voices have delivered outstanding Ripple Impact for the world’s top-performing beauty brands, collectively reaching and engaging far more consumers than brand owned social media channel. They:
Reached up to 26X more consumers, generated up to 19X higher EMV, produced up to 73X more content, and drove up to 83X greater Engagement
This interactive report lets you explore key performance metrics, compare data across countries, and discover which luxury brands lead the rankings.
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Discover how WeArisma can help you harness the power in influence, grow your brand’s presence, and achieve measurable success.
WeArisma combines the power of AI, influencer marketing and social listening to deliver smarter, scalable strategies with real impact.