In 2018, Gucci led luxury brand mentions in the UK, followed by Dior and Balenciaga, with their success driven by strategic use of micro-influencers, integrated influencer approaches, and innovative digital campaigns.
Published On: December 12, 2018
It’s nearly the end of the year; a reflective time, where we take stock of everything we’ve accomplished thus far. Here at Wearisma, we’ve utilised intelligent data to provide a complete list of the top brands in Beauty, Fashion and Luxury who have conquered Influencer Marketing in four countries (US, UK, Japan and France) in 2018. In this post we’ve revealed the most popular Luxury brands in the UK. By combining this data with in-depth analysis, we’ve been able to reveal their successful strategies and give insights into the techniques that you should be using in 2019 and beyond!
As highlighted in Wearisma’s and Walpole’s ‘The State of British Luxury Influence’ white paper, in the UK, Gucci is the top most mentioned Luxury brand. Gucci’s online success has been down to the brand posting entry-level products (content which the brand themselves defines as ‘Traffic Building’) and focusing on a niche set of micro-influencers.
Dior on the other hand has secured the third place position by adopting an integrated approach; working with both micro and mega influencers. Balenciaga’s conscious decision to focus on innovation within its social media strategy is arguably one of the reasons the brand features on this list. Moving on from traditional influencer marketing, Balenciaga worked with digital artist Yilmaz Sen (@yilmazsen) For their SS19 Instagram campaign to create content with a new set of influencers of the CGI (computer-generated imagery) variety.
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Seeding has become a cornerstone of influencer marketing for brands seeking to create authentic connections with their audiences. However, even leading brands struggle to overcome the challenges of manual workflows, low influencer opt-in rates, and inefficient tracking of campaign results.
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WeArisma is a specialist in precision earned media and influencer marketing trusted by leading brands and agencies globally. We leverage cutting-edge AI and unparalleled global data and insights to predict creative strategies that drive brand influence, grow communities, and optimize business results—removing guesswork, reducing risk, and ultimately driving real business growth.